On Saturday June 15 we held the first of two Quartet Skills Workshops in SAI Region 19 this summer.
We had 11 quartets plus a few single attendees join us for the day-long event. This workshop was “not your typical” SAI event, in that it was geared specifically to the needs of beginning and intermediate quartets. Our goal was to provide tools to the quartets that they could actually try out at the workshop, and then take home to incorporate into their regular rehearsals. There were sessions on: Rehearsal Techniques for both Vocal and Visual elements; Stage Skills (entering, exiting, and commanding the stage); Coaching Do’s and Don’ts; Costume Selection; Creating a Show Lineup; and Music Selection. Throughout the day, the participants had opportunities to try out these new skills, and even had a chance to coach/encourage other quartets as they learned too. The day culminated with a Parade of Quartets, allowing each one a chance to sing for the rest of the group.
We had so much fun getting to know each of the quartets who participated: Bearfoot, Not Half Bad, Pearl, Sound Logic, S’Miles Unlimited, Duly Noted, Pipe Dreams, Singchronicity, MS, Revolution, and Vocal Exchange. These quartets have been together anywhere from 3 months to 8+ years, and they came from all over the region, from as far as New Jersey and Delaware. There was a great mix of “newbie” and “experienced” quartet singers in the room which made for a great exchange of ideas and information.
We were thrilled with how the event came off without a hitch. We want to give a major shout-out to Linda Kelsey, the Region 19 Quartet Coordinator, who handled all of the logistical portions of the day, and to Clustered Spires Chorus, who hosted the event and provided a fantastic lunch and snacks throughout the day. Thank you also to the Regional Management Team for sponsoring the event, which allowed us to keep the costs down for the participants.
We’re now looking ahead to the next offering of this Workshop for the Eastern part of the region, in Aberdeen MD on Saturday Aug 17. There is room for just a few more quartets to sign up! We hope to see you there! For more information, click on this graphic:
Oh! We almost forgot to mention – a reporter from the Frederick News-Post was there to document the day, and they wrote a very nice article which you can read here.
Here are some photos from the day – thank you Gana Browning for capturing the day in pictures!