Sometime long before I joined the band, I became enamored with patriotic marches. I am pretty sure somewhere around the fourth grade, I did a report on John Phillip Sousa. I was the only one in my class that knew the difference between a tuba and a sousaphone.
Much later in life, after piano lessons and band, singing became a passion, and acappella singing especially! About the time I was getting involved in Sweet Adelines, a men’s quartet came on the scene called Acoustix. I was just beginning to learn of all the potential the human voice had. It was around this time that someone played a recording of Acoustix doing “Stars and Stripes Forever”. I was amazed, astounded, and an immediate fan of this quartet!
In honor of this Independence Day, have a listen to this rousing rendition of that great Sousa march:
Happy Fourth of July!
Holy Moly! That was GREAT!
Wow! That was awesome.