We are coming up on one of our favorite days of the year – Valentine’s Day! Each year we have the honor and privilege of delivering heart-warming sentiments of love, affection and friendship to lucky men and women all over central Maryland.
We usually begin the day bright and early, setting out with a pile of orders, a bucket of fresh flowers, a GPS navigator and a pitch pipe. We map our route according to the desired delivery times of the telegram givers. We find our way to the first location, and then the fun really begins.
The telegram recipients are almost always unsuspecting and very surprised. Because so many of our telegrams are delivered to a workplace, it really is a treat to see the co-workers’ reactions as well. Once we find the recipient, we sing a song to him or her, and watch with delight as he or she inevitably becomes a little bit embarrassed but a whole lot touched. The recipient is often surprised and happy to learn that the gift includes not one, but two special songs for his or her enjoyment. We also provide a card with a heartfelt customized message, and a fresh flower to leave behind as a small memento of the occasion.
We have sung for teachers with rapt Kindergarten students watching and cheering in awe. We’ve sung for a staff meeting full of doctors at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, as a gift from their generous and fun-loving department head. We’ve sung for daycare moms, and for stay-at-home dads. We’ve often sung in corporate office buildings, in the middle of a large “cube farm” full of cubicles. It’s fun to watch the heads pop up around the room as the coworkers hear what is going on. We’ve sung for a teenaged girl as a gift from her teenaged boyfriend. We’ve called family members across the country to deliver Singing Valentines by phone.
Each time we deliver a Singing Valentine, the recipient is touched, and so are we. It’s so much fun to spread love and affection in such an outward and demonstrable way.
Once again this year we will be out and about in the Central Maryland area, delivering love and friendship in the form of happy music. If you are interested in sending a Singing Valentine to your special someone, please drop us a note in our online contact form, or email us at “info@lustrequartet.com”, or call Kate at (301) 512-4869.