All in all, we had a wonderful and unexpected Regional 2010 experience. It didn’t turn out quite as we had all hoped, because after intense preparation throughout the year, we arrived on contest stage only to find our vocal chords were taking the day off without our permission. It was a challenging experience to sing through the onset of laryngitis, and despite it all we earned a region 19 fourth place medal.
Rregional contest 2010 helped us confirm and reinforce the reasons we are a quartet.
○ We sing because we love it.
○ We sing because we love to share music with others.
○ We sing because we want to improve, and relish in the blend of voices and the euphoria produced by generating overtones.
Saturday night at regional continues to be our favorite quartet day of the year. This year, we were unable to sing as a quartet, but nevertheless visited lots of our regional friends. Lustre Lead Lori was a great sport as we invited or coerced other leads to sing with the rest of Lustre. We roamed the halls into the wee hours, visiting all of the hospitality rooms we could find still open. If we didn’t visit yours, it is because you went to bed before we got there! 🙂
Thank you to all of our Regional friends and family for their support at this year’s convention and throughout the year!
Lustre – you are a wonderful example of what it means to be a Sweet Adeline in a quartet! You are great role models to any quartet that aspires to improve their singing skills and share their love for quarteting! Proud to know you!