We’re thrilled to announce that our debut CD, “Let’s Sing!”, is now officially available for purchase! This recording is a compilation of all our best repertoire, and includes such favorites as “What Kind of Fool Am I?”, “The Bandstand in Central Park”, and “Nobody Does It Like Me.” We’ve even included our favorite Christmas song, “I want a Hippopotamus For Christmas!”. With thirteen tracks in all, it’s full of great music.
To order, visit our “Store” section of our website, available on the header bar above, or by clicking here. We are set up to ship to the Continental United States as the default ($3 basic shipping charge). For orders outside this area, please just drop us a message and let us know where we need to ship, and we’ll let you know what the nominal additional shipping charges might be.
Update: You can also buy the entire album or single songs in digital download format from a number of top online music sellers, including iTunes, Amazon MP3, and CD Baby.
After you get the CD and listen to it, we’d love to hear from you about what you think! Please stay in touch with us here or on our Facebook page!

The CD’s are here!!!!
As you head off to Hawaii sometime very soon, I just want to say that I am listening again to the CD and am so excited to hear you in this competition! I know I’ve said it before, but in my 48 years of doing this, including many years of quartet competing, you are one of my all time favorite quartets (and I’m not even in HCMC), and I know you’ll be Queens before all is said and done. (If not, there is no justice in the world!) I love each of your individual voices, and put together…well…you know how good it is. I’m horrified to be missing Hawaii, but I’ll have it on the webcast. Can’t wait!
Pat Lipscomb. Pride of Baltimore