Within a quartet, building a repertoire is more challenging than one might think. After some study, we conclude that finding music parallels dating in surprising ways. Consider the following points:
- You might get ahold of a song that would be perfect if you just make a few tiny adjustments. No date, nor song, is just right on first meeting but with time and coaxing a more ideal situation can be achieved!
- There are many qualities you are looking for in a song, just like the perfect date. Of course this list is organized in must-haves, nice-to-haves, etc. There’s an equally important list of should-not-haves, too!
- Like being set up on a date, your singing friends “suggest” music to you. You may even ask them if they know any songs that might just work for you. “Fixups” happen in the music world almost as often as in the dating world!
- You may spend months on a song, and it is just not working out, and you just have to call it “quits”. As in many relationships, when it’s not working, it’s just not working.
- There is so much music to choose from, and so little time to get to know it all!
I am sure there are many many more. Share with us the parallels you see!
Yes, but when you’re choosing new music, you can keep more than one song that you like! That’s considered poor form in the dating world. 🙂