It’s our last full day in Nashville for the SAI International Convention and Competition. We had one goal for the day: Get a photo of Lustre with our friends from Capri and a.k.a., our HCMC sisters from the International Quartet Contest. We got up and set off on our mission. First: sustenance (yum – “tater egg bake” and cheddar biscuits!!) Next: shopping at the convention sales boutique for quite a while – lots of good music to be purchased in both sheet music and CD forms. Can’t wait to sing/listen/sing while listening in the car ride home.
We had a nice opportunity to hang out with Michael, our favorite director and arranger, over a good cup of coffee/mocha/hot chocolate/tea, on our way to take group photos with HCMC . Scott Disney, Capri husband and our HCMC official photographer-of-the-day, risked life and limb and stopped traffic to get just the perfect shot(s).
We were so happy to finally!!!! get a photo of Lustre with our dear friend Sue Taylor of a.k.a.
We waited quite a while for all eight of us to be in the same place at once, but finally also got a great shot of Lustre with Capri.

Capri and Lustre - together with the magic of Photoshop
OK, maybe not. 😉
Up next: the SAI Chorus Finals Competition. What can we say? It was great! We enjoyed all of the performances and especially were happy to see our friends on stage with Lions Gate (Hi Melissa and Heather!!!) and with Coastline (Hi Maxx Factor!!!). Great performances all around. Congrats to the Audience faves, Lions Gate, and to the big winners… Rich-Tones!
Stats for today:
- Crown sightings: 97
- New earrings purchased for the quartet: 10 (how many ears in your quartet????)
- Friends awarded their SAI 50-year Membership Pin: 2 – Shirley Kaufmann and Norma Moore – Congrats to these and all of the 21 others!
- Pounds of bison consumed: 1.5
OK, time for bed, after all it has been quite a week and we have an early wake up call for our travels home tomorrow. We hope you have enjoyed our travel blog this week. We will be back in regular quartet business starting next week.
Thanks to all our Nashville friends! See you in Seattle!
<<— See Part 6 —>> See Part “Last”
Safe travels!!!! Mom