Thursday was another fantastic day in Nashville – we have so many reasons to be happy!
First, we had no alarm clock! 🙂 The chorus was competing so late in the day that our schedule was very relaxed and we got lots of sleep. The whole day was very low-key in preparation for our performance on stage at 6:52pm Central time.
Another great thing: Laura came to join us in Nashville. We are officially a quartet again! Yay!

We're all here!
The performance itself for HCMC was really great – we walked off stage feeling really good about how we had done. The crowd was full in the arena, and there’s just nothing like singing before an audience of 10,000 people! We got lots of great comments from audience members after our performance, on our singing and also on our new costumes. HCMC once again showed how unique and original we are, and it really felt great!
At the end, HCMC was announced as the winners of the Harmony Achievement Award, given to the highest-scoring small chorus in the contest. Woo-hoo!!!!! As a small chorus, it can sometimes feel like it’s difficult to achieve success in this competition, which has definitely turned into a “mega-chorus” event, and the top 10 Finals is dominated by large choruses with 90+ members. So winning the Harmony Achievement Award really is special for us, as it shows that in our peer group, we are tops!
Some stats for today:
- Members of our quartet in Nashville now: Four (Yay!)
- Hours of sleep before our contest performance: plenty!
- Rhinestones that sparkled on stage on our new costumes: about 70,000
- Magical minutes on stage: Six

Celebration cake!
What a great day it was!
Next up: Friday’s Quartet Finals. We’ll be listening closely to our friends in a.k.a., who are mic testers, and Capri and Maxx Factor, who both are in the Finals competition. We wish you all the luck in the world!
<<— See Part 4 —>> See Part 6