We had the great pleasure of being coached by Leslie Wodday, our good friend, and lead of the wonderful quartet MAXX Factor. Leslie has coached us before, and we always learn so much from her. Tonight, we worked on a new song, and Leslie helped us “interpret” it. Which phrase should be soft, which should be loud? Which chords should linger, which should move quickly? Which word in that phrase deserves the emphasis? How can we sing the same words later in the song but add some extra meaning with just the timing of the delivery? All of these artistic choices go into making a song into a masterpiece.
Leslie is a pro at this kind of stuff. After all, she is a Queen of Harmony. This means that she competed and won the Sweet Adelines International quartet contest and forever gets to wear the crown to prove it. That was with Signature Sound, in 2000. Now she is singing lead in MAXX Factor, and they are definitely on the move toward their own crowns sometime very soon. Leslie knows barbershop singing inside and backwards. We are really lucky to live really close to her, and to have her as a coach.
Thanks, Leslie, for stopping by tonight. We can’t wait to see you again soon!
Not only is Leslie talented, she is friendly as well. She always has a kind word to say. I’m glad she’s working with Lustre, although they sound pretty darn good already!