Lustre is very excited to announce that we are partnering with the SAI Region 19 Education Team to present two offerings of a Quartet Skills Workshop for any and all quartets in Region 19 and beyond. The workshops are geared toward beginning and intermediate quartets, and will feature demonstrations, information, and most importantly, opportunities for quartets to try out their new skills in an informal and supportive setting.
- Hone your skills for stage entrance, exit, pitch pipe technique, and taking a bow
- Learn and practice new and effective rehearsal techniques
- Learn how to self-coach within your quartet
- Learn strategies for dealing with stage fright
- Discover how to choose appropriate music for your quartet performances
- Network with other quartets in the region
This is not just a day full of briefings and PowerPoint slides. Using an innovative group learning approach, Lustre will facilitate each participant in mastering new skills as they are presented. Workshop participants will leave at the end of the day having learned and practiced their new skills in a supportive and collaborative setting!
Who should attend?
- Whole quartets! Ideally, entire quartets will come to this event, so that they can get the most benefit from the “learn it, do it” learning approach throughout the day.
- Partial Quartets too! But if the whole quartet can’t make it, it’s definitely worthwhile for three, two, or even just one quartet member to attend.
- New Quartets! Did you just buy your first pair of matching socks? This is an excellent way to get your new quartet off to a great start!
- Competing Quartets! Do you want to add more points to your competition scores? This is a great workshop for you!
- Performance Quartets! Put some more polish into your stage presence, and hone your craft to give the audience a better performance
The workshops will be offered twice in Summer 2013:
Quartet Skills Workshop – Western Area
Saturday June 15, 9am-4pm
Trinity United Methodist Church
705 W. Patrick St., Frederick, MD
Quartet Skills Workshop – Eastern Area
Saturday August 17, 9am-4pm
Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church
201 Mt. Royal Ave., Aberdeen,MD
Logistical and catering support will be provided by Clustered Spires Chorus (Western) and Upper Chesapeake Chorus (Eastern).
The cost is $15 per person, and includes a catered lunch provided by the sponsoring chorus.
To register, contact Linda Kelsey at
I am saying yes to the western date which is closer to Altoona. I will call my quartet and get back to you as to how many. THANKS!
Valerie (Bass)
Sounds of Style