Several years ago, I had a dream that I would hire a quartet to come in to coach so we would have the expertise of each person on their part, plus their personal strengths. I looked around for "personalities" that I thought might be good for my chorus, and Lustre came to mind. I had them come up for a Saturday - we started with sectionals at different people's houses at the same time, then we all came together for a 2 hour coaching. What a fabulous day it was, and it was the "start of something big"! We had them for retreats and had Jenny up several times on our regular rehearsal nights. We worked very well together - it just so happened that Lori C and Lori D are awesome with the visual/showmanship, and Jenny and Kate excelled at teaching vocal production. To have one of each voice part there was incredible - any issue with an individual section we would break into sections, fix and come back together again. Definitely a perfect match!
We were so privileged to watch them grow as singers, a quartet and coaches through the few years we have been together. They have become a part of our family. We are looking forward to our next retreat with the Queens!!!

Lori Ludlum, Director, Shades of Harmony Chorus
Lori Ludlum, Director, Shades of Harmony Chorus
Lori C and Lori D are awesome with the visual/showmanship, and Jenny and Kate excelled at teaching vocal production. To have one of each voice part there was incredible - any issue with an individual section we would break into sections, fix and come back together again. Definitely a perfect match!